Hello fellow Hardware Hackers, It has been a long time since we published news about Hardsploit…but it’s for good reasons ! First, after a long period of sold out we have now pumped up (read industrialized) the creation process. Now…
We have been selected to perform our Hardware Hacking training at next Brucon Sec conf After the Sold Out Training @ Blackhat USA 2016, Opale security is back to Europe for another Hardware hacking training with Hardsploit @ Brucon 2016…
Please go to https://www.opale-security.com/blackhat-usa-2016-opale-security-hardware-hacking-training-is-over/ for more details and photos
Hello, Too much success for the Hardsploit board , we are “out of stock” on the online shop ! Be patient , as our team is working hard to finish the last batch A lot of PCB received and a lot of…
We are proud to announce that we will give a talk at next CansectWest conference in Vancouver (Canada) in March 2016 Hardsploit project : All-In-One Tool for Hardware Security Audit I2C, JTAG, SPI, PARALLEL, UART – Today’s electronic devices, connected or not to…
We have been selected to perform our HARDWARE HACKING TRAINING WITH HARDSPLOIT FRAMEWORK at the next BlackHat USA 2016 , at the end of July in Las Vegas https://www.blackhat.com/us-16/training/hardware-hacking-with-hardsploit-framework.html Book your seat as soon as possible : https://blackhat.tech.ubm.com/usa/2016/? Content Tired of watching…
We are proud to announce that Julien Moinard (Hardware Pentester and Hardsploit Project leader at Opale Security) will give a talk at next NullCon conference in Goa (India) in March 2016 http://nullcon.net/website/nullcon-2016/speakers/julien-moinard.php Hardsploit Project: An All-In-One Tool for Hardware Security Audits
As a lot of people ask us what is the differences between our tool and X or Y We create a quick review of Hardsploit’s features VS other (great !) hardware hacking tools. According to our understanding, we propose the…
Opale Security Team will present Hardsploit during the next Chaos Computer Club Congress in Hamburg at this end of december. http://halfnarp.events.ccc.de in the slot dedicated to “Hardware & Making” The 32nd Chaos Communication Congress (32C3) is an annual four-day conference on technology (Security), society…
We are pleased to announce that the Pre Order Period is opened. Want to be the first security guy with this fantastic hardware security auditing tool? Don’t hesitate to order one (or more) unit ! Please go to https://www.shop-hardsploit.com/index.php to order (Shop menu)…